Monday, September 3, 2012

A revolutionary new media-Social Media

Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues.

As the young generation currently, most of us have our own Facebook account. Everyone knows, Facebook is undoubted huge marketing nowadays, especially for the young people. Monash Student Union (MONSU) Caulfield used this market to create a mutual social network platform successfully.
There are some effective measurements to support its success.

Firstly, everyone, who followed the main page of MONSU Caulfield, can post all the information on the post wall. When some activity organizers want inform other people or promote the activity, they can post on their post wall. Then if all the people, who followed the main page of MONSU Caulfield, log in Facebook, they can receive the notice of the activity immediately.

Secondly, the post wall also can supply a discussion area for all the fans of MONSU Caulfield. They can discuss everything on the post wall including some suggestion of latest activities, some recommendations or critical opinions. The page managers and organizers can allocate this information, then keep improving at the first time.

Finally, the powerful recommendation system of Facebook is a useful tool to expand MONSU Caulfield market. When someone followed main page of MONSU Caulfield, his/her friends can receive the notice, which will recommend MONSU Caulfield to him/her. Because of that, MONSU Caulfield is not popular only among the students in Caulfield, but also attracts more students from other campus such as Clayton even from other universities. 

Social Media is a new media for marketers to use to promote what they want to promote. there is efficiency, effective, and low cost. More and more marketers and companies created or going to create their official main page through different social media.

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