Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VERTU Concierge Service

One of my friend bought a Vertu mobile last week. Indeed most of people such as me, cannot afford the price of Vertu, which is much higher than other mobile. Mobile phones typically retail for around £100 - £250 pounds, however Vertu is aimed at the top end of the market, those who can afford to spend thousands on a mobile phone.

Although it is unreachable for me because of its high price, I am really interested in its powerful functions that related to our E- Marketing. When I went back home and do some research regards to this luxury mobile then get some information.

Vertu is a new unique luxury brand specialising in top of the range, deluxe mobile phones. And Vertu utilises craftsmanship, precision engineering, high-end technology and a unique personal service dimension, to create a distinctive luxury brand.

A big selling point associated with these phones is the Vertu Concierge Service.  Vertu Concierge provides specialized travel assistance, allowing users to access and reserve restaurants, hotels, concert tickets and much more.  Having a Vertu mobile phone allows users to access this exclusive concierge service, 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world, where they will try to assist the every whim of the user.  This service is free for the first year, but you have to pay a subsequent subscription of £500 per annum to avail of the service.  Vertu also offers a customisation service thus truly differentiating itself and allowing the firm to earn even higher margins.

In summary, in my opinion, in the Concierge Service, the Vertu mobile seems like a “agency” between customers and other companies, such as airline companies, hotels and restaurants. This “agency” play a role, who collects, processes and exchange information for both two sides.

I think that, for these airlines companies, hotels and restaurants, it is a new emarketing strategy compared with the traditional e Marketing strategies, that is Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing Strategy, Online Newsletters and Media News Rooms. These companies apply this strategy in order to specialize the top range of customers. That is the most important reason to adopt this “agency”. These customers would not take a flight in economy class. Of course, they always chose the five star hotels, sometimes the presidential suites. If adopt the traditional strategies, it maybe more costly and useless. For example, these customers will treat advertising Email as rubbish Email, then delete them directly. Moreover, these top customers would not search any information from search engine by themselves. Building the business relationship with them personally is much more costly indeed.

However, I found that there are also two disadvantages for this “agency”. Firstly, there is higher risk in this business system. If a customer is not satisfied with the booking of hotels from this “agency”, she/he will think that it is not useful than abandon it. Then the other companies in this system will lose this customer.
Secondly, there is keener competition. The competitors are not some three star hotels or travelling hotels. They are also five star hotels like you, even the seven star hotels. Top market leads to the keener competition.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Search Engine

When customers are making a buying decision, if they cannot find you from search engines, then they will find your competitors. Indeed, you should optimize your website for search engines.

There are some benefits when adopting the suggestion:
* Produce large amounts of qualified traffic
* Increase the length of site visits
* Assist in branding your company and/or products
* Consistently generate quality leads for your company's services/products
* Give your website continued high exposure for months and years to come

At first, we should know what search engine optimization is. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural," or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic"), search results. The followings are seven steps to optimize for search engine.

Step 1: Setting your target marketing is very necessary. You need to pinpoint who it is you will be marketing your site to, and write your content accordingly.

Step 2: Keywords and Phrases are very important parts in SEO. Keywords are simply targeted words that determine which category your site will be listed under in search engines and directories, as well as words that searchers input to search engines in order to find relevant sites.

Step 3: You should make sure that including keywords and phrases in your content and source code. The more places you can reasonably put your keywords, the easier you will be found.

Step 4: Writing a good content is necessary. Compelling content on your website is the essential key to good search engine results.

Step 5: We also need using title tags in search engine optimization. Most search engines index the contents of the title tag, and actually make it one of the most important factors in the ranking process. So if you don't have an optimized title tag, you might be missing the boat as far as rankings are concerned.

Step 6: Make your Meta tags optimized and help search engines to index your site better.

Step 7: After search-engine friendly site designing, then submit your site.

Currently, there are almost a hundred million people use search engine, like Google, to search what they want. That's almost becoming a habit for everyone's daily life. If someone has some questions, then we usually hear the answer is " google it". From this point, optimizing company's website for search engines is a very important way to help company increase their awareness within the whole market.

Monday, September 3, 2012

A revolutionary new media-Social Media

Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues.

As the young generation currently, most of us have our own Facebook account. Everyone knows, Facebook is undoubted huge marketing nowadays, especially for the young people. Monash Student Union (MONSU) Caulfield used this market to create a mutual social network platform successfully.
There are some effective measurements to support its success.

Firstly, everyone, who followed the main page of MONSU Caulfield, can post all the information on the post wall. When some activity organizers want inform other people or promote the activity, they can post on their post wall. Then if all the people, who followed the main page of MONSU Caulfield, log in Facebook, they can receive the notice of the activity immediately.

Secondly, the post wall also can supply a discussion area for all the fans of MONSU Caulfield. They can discuss everything on the post wall including some suggestion of latest activities, some recommendations or critical opinions. The page managers and organizers can allocate this information, then keep improving at the first time.

Finally, the powerful recommendation system of Facebook is a useful tool to expand MONSU Caulfield market. When someone followed main page of MONSU Caulfield, his/her friends can receive the notice, which will recommend MONSU Caulfield to him/her. Because of that, MONSU Caulfield is not popular only among the students in Caulfield, but also attracts more students from other campus such as Clayton even from other universities. 

Social Media is a new media for marketers to use to promote what they want to promote. there is efficiency, effective, and low cost. More and more marketers and companies created or going to create their official main page through different social media.